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Tuesday afternoon I headed over to De Pere to photograph itty bitty baby Samuel.  I photographed his Momma’s maternity photos a couple months ago and was so excited to finally meet the little man that was in that belly!  And what an  angel he was for his session.  Slept through the ENTIRE thing.  He made one tiny peep and that was that.  Just a perfect little model!  And we got some absolutely adorable images of his gorgeous little face.  Everytime I picked him up to put him in a new prop, I didn’t want to put him down.  Could have stared at that sweet face all day!

Nick and Nicole, you guys make adorable babies!  Hope you love the images we captured of your little man!

don’t you just want to kiss those cheeks!!!  look at that sleepy baby smile!his Daddy is a hunter.  Can you tell?  :)

Wednesday morning I headed across town to photograph Jeremy and Kate’s 2 week old baby girl, little miss Harper.  Now, there is only one word to describe Harper and that is gorgeous.  With big dark eyes, small features and lots of thick dark hair she is simply a gorgeous baby girl.  And she was a breeze to photograph.  She slept for most of the session and barely made a peep until the very end when she got a bit hungry.  She didn’t even pee on any of my blankets (she did however shower her Mommy pretty good at one point) :)  Plus, I have always wanted to photograph a newborn outside and it was finally a cool enough day where we could do so!  It was a fabulous little session!

Jeremy and Kate, your girl is just precious.  Enjoy every second of these next few months because they pass in the blink of an eye!  Hope you love the sneak peek!

she gave me a few sweet smiles during her session too!best. baby. smile. EVER!

Yesterday afternoon I headed over to De Pere to photograph 2 week old baby Aubrey.   I have been on a roll lately with having my itty bitties behave extremely well for their newborn sessions and little Aubrey was no different.  She showed me her big gorgeous eyes for a few shots and then fell fast asleep and stayed that way for almost 2 hours.  She was just a dream to photograph.  And I could have chatted with her mom Ashley for hours!  I found out that we have something in common…we are fellow Hodagers! :)  So so fun!

Jesse and Ashley, I hope you love the images we captured of your sweet girl.  She is just beautiful.  I hope to see more of you guys this year and hopefully next July we’ll run into each other once or twice in Rhinelander!  Enjoy the sneak peek! :)

she. is. perfection.Ashley made these adorable headbands for her little girl.  I just LOVE them.  I’m totally stealing this idea Ashley!aren’t they a beautiful family?!!

Yesterday morning I headed over to Allouez to meet baby Carson.  I photographed his mom and dad’s wedding 2 years ago and when Jillian contacted me a few months back and told me they were expecting baby #2, I was thrilled!  Baby Carson was born on the 4th of July and was a week old at the time of our session and he did FANTASTIC!  He slept the entire time and let me put him in all sort of baskets and props without so much as a peep.  Just a little angel!  We even snuck a few family shots in at the end of the shoot!

Brad and Jillian, it was so nice to see you guys again!  Your kiddos are precious!  Jillian, enjoy the next 11 weeks with your little man…and the sneak peek!

my obsession with baby lips continues!baby feet…gotta love em! :)Love from big sister Natalie!

Tuesday morning I headed over to the west side of Green Bay to photograph 2 week old baby Emmalynn.  When we set the date for her photo session I told her mom Crystal the ‘newborn photo shoot rules’.  Make sure baby is fed right before I arrive and make sure the house is super warm as just fed, warm babies tend to do best for thier photos.  Well, the temperature outside Tuesday was in the high 80’s and it was just as warm in the house.  :) She followed the rules and it worked like a charm.  Emmalynn did a great job for her photos and we got some precious photos!

Jeff and Crystal, I hope you love the images we captured of your sweet girl!  Enjoy!

sleepy baby smiles are the bestthat blankie in the background is her bedding/quilt made by grandma.  I LOVE it!my obsession with pouty baby lips continues…  :)

Friday afternoon I headed over to Shawano to meet Katie, Jake and their brand new baby boy, little Hudson.  Hudson was just over 2 weeks old at the time of our session and talk about a handsome little dude!  My ovaries were aching all weekend after photographing this little hunny!  He slept great for the first part of our session and then decided to give us a run for our money and fight it every step of the way. :)  But in the end, I prevailed and we got some super adorable shots!

Katie and Jake, it was lovely chatting with you guys!  I hope you love the images we captured of your little lovebug!

don’t you just want to snuggle him?!!!

Friday afternoon I headed over to Allouez to meet Amy, Joe and their brand new baby girl, Miss Evelyn.  Now, this was one of those sessions where I really didn’t feel like I was working.  I had a a lovely time chatting with Amy and Joe and Evelyn did amazingly well for her photos.  She barely made a peep as I moved her from blanket to blanket and we got a bunch of adorable shots of this wee little girl!

Amy and Joe, it was so nice to meet you guys!  Congrats on that beautiful girl of yours!  Enjoy every second of the next few weeks because it really does go by in the blink of an eye!

She fit just perfectly in my little teacup!I got a big shipment of new blankets in last week and Evelyn was the first one to get to try them all out!And this blanket was made by Amy’s grandma and I LOVED it…however, Evelyn did not.  There is a reason why you can’t see her bottom half in this photo.  Ha. :)

Thursday afternoon I got to meet baby Sohpia, the newest member of the family on my hubby’s side.  Sophia’s mom Erica and my husband Pauly are second cousins, and ever since little Sophia was born a couple of weeks ago, I have been dying to meet her!  She is just an itty bitty little peanut and was the absolute best little baby model in the world.  We did photos of her for about 2 hours and she didn’t wake up even one time.  She slept through the ENTIRE session.  That has never happened to me with a newborn!  We got to do so many photos and I got in some major baby cuddling.  It was fantastic!

Erica and Joe, your little Sophia is precious.  Enjoy every second of the next few months because it goes by in the blink of an eye!

Wednesday morning I headed over to Luxemburg to photograph Mike, Crystal and their brand new baby girl, little Alivia.  Alivia was 12 days old the day of our session and for being that young, she was SO alert.  She was actually awake for most of our session, but thankfully she is a super calm baby who would ‘rest’ her eyes quite often because it looks like she is peacefully sleeping in almost all of the photos!  She didn’t make a peep the entire session and is just gorgeous.  Peach fuzz hair, tiny little features and rosebud lips.  Just a doll.

Mike and Crystal, it was so nice to meet you and your girl!  Hope you love the sneak peek!

I love baby lips

Last fall I got an email from one of my oldest and dearest friends, Kelly, telling me she was pregnant.  I was thrilled for her.  They already had three beautiful girls and I couldn’t wait for them to have a fourth.  They had their first ultrasound and as it turns out they were having their fourth, fifth AND sixth!  Yup, natural, identical triplets!!!  I was thrilled for them!   As overwhelming as I am sure it had to be, what an absolute blessing those three wee babies were!  Kelly was a rockstar and  carried the babies 34 weeks (fantastic for triplets) and on April 23th, Adelyn Rose, Livia Jean and Violet Mae were born.  All three girls were healthy and only had a short stay in the NICU.  Last Friday I headed up to Marinette for their newborn session and these three did awesome for their photos.  They are now almost 6 pounds each and doing SO fabulous.  I just loved cuddling and loving on them in between shots.  And I have to say, Kelly, you are rocking the whole ‘Mother to 6 kids’ thing. :)  I truly believe God only gives us what we can handle and he chose you to be the Momma to those three baby girls because he knew you would not only accept it, but embrace it.  You and Brett are so very blessed.  Hope you love this little sneak peek!

First up was Livia Jean, who was full of smiles for me!

see, looks at that sweet little grin?!Violet Mae was next…she slept so well through her individual shots…and like her sister, gave me a few smiles!And last but not least, little miss Adelyn RoseThen it was time for a few shots of the girls together.  This was not an easy feat, but with Kelly and Grandma Amy’s help, we got a few adorable shots!owl hats and blankies knitted by their Auntie JeanViolet MaeAdelyn RoseLivia Jean

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