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Evelyn Marie-itty bitty-Green Bay Newborn Photography

Friday afternoon I headed over to Allouez to meet Amy, Joe and their brand new baby girl, Miss Evelyn.  Now, this was one of those sessions where I really didn’t feel like I was working.  I had a a lovely time chatting with Amy and Joe and Evelyn did amazingly well for her photos.  She barely made a peep as I moved her from blanket to blanket and we got a bunch of adorable shots of this wee little girl!

Amy and Joe, it was so nice to meet you guys!  Congrats on that beautiful girl of yours!  Enjoy every second of the next few weeks because it really does go by in the blink of an eye!

She fit just perfectly in my little teacup!I got a big shipment of new blankets in last week and Evelyn was the first one to get to try them all out!And this blanket was made by Amy’s grandma and I LOVED it…however, Evelyn did not.  There is a reason why you can’t see her bottom half in this photo.  Ha. :)

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