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01-28 thru 02-03

 So, for the past 4 months I have not done blog posts on sessions. And to tell you the truth, I haven’t missed doing them at all. They take SO much time and I have been able to spend more time with my kiddos and less on my computer and for that, my little family is thankful. However, I have heard from a few loyal blog followers that they miss the oodles of blog posts that used to flood this page every month. So, I think I have come up with a solution. At the end of every week I am going to do one blog post that sort of recaps that entire week. A few of my favorite images from every session that I photographed. I will still put one of two on Facebook as well, but this will give the blog followers something more to look at than just weddings. 


So let’s start with this week, shall we. 

Monday I photographed sweet baby Stella and she was a picture perfect baby model!  She’s a gorgeous girl!Thursday it was 6 week old Lucy’s turn.  And typically 6 week old babies are tough to photograph as they are not as sleepy at newborns, but Lucy was a rockstar.  She showed me her gorgeous blue eyes for a while and then fell into a nice deep sleep and we were able to get some adorable sleeping baby shots as well!


Friday I photograph Addy’s 2 year portraits.  I have photographed this little love bug since she was 3 months old and always look forward to our sessions.  She isn’t a huge fan of getting her photos taken, but I won out in the end as we got some super cute shots!  So, this photo pretty much sums of Addy’s view on having her photo taken.  cracks me up.  I am guessing she was trying to point another finger at me.  😉

 This morning I headed to Denmark to photograph Mandy and her gorgeous baby belly.  She is due in 4 weeks and I am so excited for them as they welcome their second daughter to their family! 

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