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Derek and Laura-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of photographing Derek an Laura’s wedding day.  I had photographed their family a year or two ago and earlier this year, I was able to photograph their third child, baby Jace’s, newborn photos.  I was so excited they then contacted me to capture their wedding day for them.  Not only because they are such sweet people, but because they are a gorgeous couple and their kids are just the cutest little peanuts ever!  These two have awesome supportive families and a great, crazy, fun group of friends that were there and celebrating with them the entire day.

Derek and Laura, thanks so much for asking me to be a part of your day!  I hope the rest of your night was amazing and that your day was everything you dreamed it would be!  Enjoy the sneak peek!

IMG_7265W IMG_7272BW IMG_7302fX IMG_7335W IMG_7362W IMG_7371BW IMG_7447X IMG_7517FXcan baby Jace get any cuter??? IMG_7545X IMG_7557FXThree rhinestones for their three kiddos IMG_7564FX IMG_7581FX IMG_7588X IMG_7603X IMG_7616W IMG_7654X IMG_7665FX IMG_7671X IMG_7674FXW IMG_7693W IMG_7722W IMG_7728X IMG_7749WLaura surprised Derek by having his name tattooed on her ring finger.  I loved her expression when he realized what she had done! IMG_7759X IMG_7766X IMG_7781BWchecking out her new ring…and tattoo :) IMG_7783XBW IMG_7811X IMG_7817X IMG_7902FX IMG_7962X IMG_7972W IMG_7988X IMG_8012X IMG_8039FX IMG_8058X IMG_8069X IMG_8091FX IMG_8101X IMG_8138FX IMG_8144X IMG_8156BW IMG_8166X IMG_8173FX IMG_8181millav IMG_8190FX IMG_8198X IMG_8202X IMG_8206W IMG_8235X IMG_8260 W IMG_8302X IMG_8310X IMG_8319X IMG_8325Xmillav IMG_8332FX IMG_8343W IMG_8356fX IMG_8376X IMG_8383BW IMG_8403FX IMG_8415FX IMG_8443FX IMG_8512fXBWblog IMG_8554FX IMG_8568fX IMG_8595X IMG_8624W IMG_8645X IMG_8648X IMG_8654X IMG_8657FX

Congratulations you guys!

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