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Matt and Ali-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography

Last Saturday, on a cold and snowy March day, I had the pleasure of photographing Matt and Ali’s wedding.  The day started out overcast and windy, but by the time the ceremony was over, the snow was coming down heavy and fast.  And while it didn’t make the best conditions for driving, it made for a pretty fabulous backdrop for photos.  (big thanks to the wedding party, especially the girls, for braving the cold for 10 minutes).

I met Matt and Ali last summer for their engagement shoot and could tell immediately that I was going to love shooting their wedding.  They were both laid back and relaxed the entire day.  Their day was full of love and smiles(especially during the dinner speeches which were some of the best I have ever heard). Pure joy was radiating out of not only them, but their family and friends as well.  You could just see how excited they were to spend the day with the people that mean the most to them and to finally be able to call themselves husband and wife.  And I was so excited they chose me to capture it.  Their family and friends made me feel so very welcome and it was an honor to be able to document all the moments and memories of the day.

Matt and Ali, congratulations!  I hope your upcoming years are filled with as much love and warmth as I saw last Saturday night.  Enjoy your sneak peek!

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