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Steve and Lindsey-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography

Last Friday I headed up to my hometown of Oconto Falls to photograph the picture perfect wedding day of Lindsey and Steve.  Steve and I were close to the same age in high school and when he proposed to Lindsey last year I was SO excited that they asked me to capture the day for them.  Oconto Falls weddings are some of my favorite ones to shoot.  I know the families (it’s a town of 2500 people so everyone knows everyone), I know the guests and I know the area.  It’s just so much fun to be part of them and Steve and Lindsey’s was one of the best.  It was a blast to shoot.  I had a gorgeous, fun loving couple, an amazing wedding party and two of the sweetest families around to work with.   Plus, it was a spectacular day for an outdoor wedding.  Blue skies, warm breeze, just insanely perfect.

Steve and Lindsey, thank you so much for asking me to be a part of your day.  It was an honor to be there to capture these moments for you.  I hope you love your sneak peek!

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another of my favorite parts of small town weddings.  The guests never let the wedding party and family get thirsty during the photo portion of the day.  Bowl full of ice cold beer anyone ????IMG_8845FX IMG_8857FXfX IMG_8868FX IMG_8883FX IMG_8885BW IMG_8889FX IMG_8898FX IMG_8904FX IMG_8920WMT IMG_8922FX IMG_8926FX IMG_8930FX IMG_8935BW IMG_8939PBMT IMG_8945W IMG_8948X IMG_8953PB IMG_8975FX IMG_9081X IMG_9086X IMG_9100SF IMG_9109X IMG_9116FX IMG_9123FX IMG_9129FX IMG_9135FXFH IMG_9147BW IMG_9152X IMG_9161X IMG_9166XFX IMG_9173FX IMG_9182FX IMG_9187mllv IMG_9193FX IMG_9200FX IMG_9206GLFH IMG_9212X IMG_9228FX IMG_9266FX IMG_9270FX IMG_9280fX IMG_9287FX IMG_9288FX IMG_9293X IMG_9343FX IMG_9385FXBW IMG_9395BW IMG_9412FX IMG_9451mllv IMG_9493FX IMG_9502FX IMG_9513FXBW IMG_9563FX IMG_9588FX IMG_9603FX IMG_9692W IMG_9697FX IMG_9497MT

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