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Mike and Sarah-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography


Last Thursday, on New Year’s Eve, I had the pleasure of photographing Mike and Sarah’s wedding day.  It was my second New Year’s Eve wedding in a row and I must say, I am sort of digging this new tradition.  Since having kids Pauly and I don’t ever do anything on the last holiday of the year and I love ringing in the new year by capturing the awesome moments of the couple’s first night as husband and wife.  :)

Now, Sarah and I have a bunch of mutual friends and have been Facebook friends for quite some time so I have been following along with all of her wedding planning over the past year.  This girl has FABULOUS taste and her wedding was FULL of sparkle and glam.   From the dresses to the sequined tablecloths to the fireworks over the Bay that could be seen from the reception at Titletown Brewery, it was all just so gorgeous.

Because they had an evening ceremony, Mike and Sarah decided to do a first look and get as many photos done outdoors in the daylight as we could.  Despite the bitter cold, everyone did a great job (even the three littles in the wedding party) and we got some really amazing images.

Mike and Sarah, thank you so much for asking me to capture your wedding day.  What a truly fabulous day it was and I am honored you chose me to be there with you to document it all.  I hope you love the sneak peek!
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Congrats again you two!!!

Flowers by Nature’s Best Floral

Reception Decor by Ruby Design

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