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Tyler and Ally-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography

A little over a week ago I had the pleasure of photographing Tyler and Ally’s gorgeous summer wedding day.  The calendar said it wasn’t officially summer yet, but the temperatures told another story.  :)  It was sunny and hot all day, but the warmth in the air was nothing compared to the warmth and love that surrounded these two that day.

Tyler and Ally chose to see each other and do a First Look (LOVE photographing these) before they walked down the aisle.  Because of this we were able to get 95% of the photos done before the ceremony and the rest of their day ran so smoothly.  It isn’t traditional and many couples choose not to do it, but it definitely makes the day much more relaxed for the bride and groom!

Tyler and Ally, thanks so much for asking me to capture your day.  I had a blast with your family and friends and can’t wait for you to see all of your images!

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