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Baby Bobby

So, our little man was 2 weeks old yesterday…I can’t believe how the time is just FLYing by. It is insane. Having two kiddos at home with us is a change, but a good one. Eddie ADORES his baby brother and is always wanting to hold and love on him. Bobby is doing well too. He is a BIG eater. I am feeding him every 2 hours or so during the day, but thankfully at night he gives me 3-4 hour stretches. He is already up over his birth weight, so that is really good according to his doc.
Eddie turned two last Thursday and we had his party this past weekend. I can’t get over the fact that just a little over two years ago we had NO kids and now we have two perfect little boys.

I am doing well. Tired all the time, but 4-5 hours of sleep is apparently all I require because I am functioning okay without having to take too many naps during the week:) I am actually shooting a wedding this weekend, so I have been busy preparing for that and editting my two weddings from last month. NO real maternity leave for this girl, but it feels good to be back in the land of un-prego:)
Here are some recent photos of the boys! enjoy!

isn’t he gorgeous.  I mean, yeah, I am a little biased, but he is beautiful:)

Family photos taken by Abbie of Photographic Aerts

Ed loves holding his baby brother:)

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