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2 months old

Well, our little Bobby turned two months old on the 10th of July.  The past 2 months have FLOWN by.  He is getting SO big and SO gorgeous.  For the first month or so newborns sort of resemble old men to me, so I am glad he is finally starting to look like a baby and less like one of the elderly….and more and more like his older brother!  He is smiling and cooing and is just a happy little guy most of the time.  Eddie is still doing well.  He has his sassy ‘terrible two’s’ moments, but most of the time he is such a good little man.  He makes us laugh SO very much.  He has such a little personality…and he is smart…has a memory like you wouldn’t believe.  Every night before bed he tells me “Wove you too Momma”  (which is ‘love you too Momma’ for those that don’t speak two-year-old)  Melts. My. Heart.

Our lives besides the boys are absolute insanity lately.  Pauly has been working 60 hours a week, I have been photographing as well as trying to wrangle the two boys and get some fun things planned with them.  You know, I often wonder how my mom managed with four kids in 9 years because I feel like I am losing my mind with the two I have:)

Anyway, I have weddings for the next 3 weekends in a row and countless sessions…so check back for blog updates soon!  Also, I am pretty much booked up now for sessions through the end of October.  I have been referring people to other photographers I know because I just can’t accept anymore sessions and spend anymore time away from the kiddos.  Plus, I go back to work at my insurance job in less than 3 weeks…the insanity continues….

Hope you are all enjoying your summer!  And I can’t post without showing off the boys….

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