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Michael and Katie are getting hitched!-Green Bay Engagement Photography

Sunday morning Michael and Katie met me over at Devil’s River Campground for their engagement session. I am so super pumped that these two decided to have me photograph their wedding.   They are sweet and friendly and funny and just a fabulous couple to share time with.   It was a gorgeous, unseasonably warm, morning and I had so much fun walking around and chatting with these two about their upcoming nuptials.  We have a few mutual friends/coworkers and I have heard enough about their families and wedding party to know that they are going to be throwing one heck of a party come March.

Mike and Katie, I had such a lovely time with you guys Sunday.  Mike, I hope your permagrin went away at some point that day. :)  Hope you guys love the sneak peek!

look!  they are so excited to be getting married they are jumping for joy.  ha.

they seem to know how to make each other laugh:)

love this one.  they are going to make some good looking babies one day:)  Hopefully March 24th, right Katie?! 😉

I love these last two.  adorable couple.  great old barn.  awesome.



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