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Conway Jacob-ittty bitty

Thursday morning I headed down to Appleton to photograph an itty bitty newborn session for my friends Dave and Jill. These two have been great friends to Pauly and I for years and I was THRILLED when I found out they were having baby boy #2 just 9 months after we had baby boy #2:) Our group of friends has had so many baby boys in the past 3 years, we are going to be able to start our own football team soon!
Little Conway was born on February 4th (in record time) and was less than two weeks old when we did his photos. I couldn’t get enough of him…his teeny tiny parts, his soft skin and that wonderful baby smell. We did some family photos and then some of little Conway alone. Everyone did great, especially little Conway…although I have never seen a tiny baby spit up that much in one day:)
Jill and Dave, thanks for letting me love on the little man for a while…he is precious! Enjoy the sneak peek!

These next two are my favorites.  It’s so amazing to watch your friends go through all of these milestones. Pauly and I were in Dave and Jill’s wedding.  We had our first baby boys a month apart from one another and now to watch them with their second son…just makes my heart smile.  love you guys!


THey brought Conway home on Superbowl Sunday!  GO PACKERS!

Love for brother!

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