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my whole world, it begins and ends with you-personal post

So, as you can see from all the posts below, things have been going well since I decided to become a full-time photographer!  And I am SO thankful for that.  When I quit my job a little over 2 months ago, it was sort of a leap of faith.  I had NO idea what the next year would bring.  Well, so far, so good.  When I am not playing with or tending to the boys, I am shooting, editing or blogging a session.  And I love it.  Giving my friends and clients images they will cherish for years to come.  It makes me all warm and fuzzy. 
There are going to be some changes coming to the blog, website and just the business in general in the next few months.  Most will be in place by June 1st and I will keep you posted when any changes occur.  Nothing too drastic, but just a few things to keep me competitive in the business.  Can’t wait to share them with you all!
And now for the real reason for this post.  My boys.  I feel SO blessed to be able to stay home with them now.  I feel as if I was missing out on so much of them.  Their everyday life.  Their changes, their smiles and their amazing little personalities.  I can’t tell you how much the last 2 months have meant to me.  And if this summer gets crazy and they have to go back to our (totally fabulous) babysitter more often, I will always have these past couple months to look back on with a smile.  My whole world really does begin and end with them.  They are my everything.

I know I am biased, but he is beautiful.

and I am pretty sure he is the sweetest thing on the planet

and they love each other…usually:)

a rare photo with Momma

I find it ridiculous that these photos were taken on April 10th and it was almost 80 degrees outside and as I type up this post on April 20th, there is 6 inches of snow on the ground.  Flippin Wisconsin.

and lastly, so no one thinks it’s all fun all the time here at our house.  For the past year I have said that the terrible two’s were a crock . I never experienced any horrible sassiness.  Well, I spoke too soon.  I think three is going to be…challenging:)

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