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The birth of Cade Francis-Green Bay birth photography

For the past few months I have been seeing more and more stories and photographs on the Internet from live births.  Birthing babies has always been a fascinating topic for me.  When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a OB nurse.  As I grew and my career path changed, my obsession with all things baby did not.  A couple of months ago my friends (and frequent clients) Chad and Amber asked me to photograph the birth of their fifth child.  And I was ecstatic.  Both of my own birth experiences were fantastic and giving a couple the opportunity to relive that amazing experience through photos made me excited beyond belief. 
Now Amber went to the hospital last evening and was induced early this morning.  I arrived at the hospital about 7:30 and was actually a little nervous.  This was something I had never done before and other than my own two, I had never been in the room for the delivery of a baby.  Things started out fine, Amber wasn’t in too much pain, but things progressed quickly.  I was sitting there watching her tightly grasp the rail on her bed and breathe through each contraction and I would realize I was holding my breath.  As a mom, it was hard to watch because I remember that feeling so vividly.  You remember the pain and the anxiety and the fear…it all comes flooding back to you.  And then it was go time.  And Amber did amazing.  And at 10:18 this morning, I watched little Cade Francis take his first breath.  He was gorgeous.  All was well.  And I fell in love with birth and babies all over again. 
Chad and Amber, thank you so much for allowing me to be with you this morning.  Giving birth is such a personal and private thing, I feel honored that your trusted me enough to be there.  Cade is an angel, such a beautiful boy.  I could have stared at those big eyes for the rest of the day.  Enjoy every second.  And I hope his big brothers and sisters LOVED him! 
Amber was the picture of calm, cool and collected when I arrived.  Seeing that this is baby # five, she has some experience under her belt. 
Chad was relaxed all morning too…just lounging around with his feet up..
and watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.  LOVE this.  too funny.

keeping everyone posted on the progress

everyone waited patiently…

and we all got a kick out of the pain chart :)

and then Amber started getting a bit more uncomfortable…
while Grandpa rested up for the big event…

and then suddenly it was go-time…

and in no time at all, at 10:18am, little Cade was born
and Momma was relieved…

he was absolute perfection…
Daddy was able to cut the cord…
and then little Cade livened up :)

8 pounds 1 ounce of perfect.

a happy and tired Momma…

and then the updating started…texts and Facebook posts galore!

I just adore their squishiness!
Momma meeting her fifth baby!

love this one…such happiness…

the first of many kisses to come from Momma…
isn’t he insanely beautiful? 

Welcome to the world baby boy!


10 Responses to “The birth of Cade Francis-Green Bay birth photography”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow! What an amazing time this must have been! So beautiful!


  2. Anonymous says:

    I don't even know them and I'm in tears. Love it!! Congrats!!


  3. Anonymous says:

    This was an amazing event that you were able to capture! Someday I too hope to be able to do this for someone! I love them all! Especially the joy on his parents faces!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Erika, this must of been the best experience for you. Makes you want more kids. Beautiful pictures and I don't even know them.

  5. Ellen and Rita says:

    You have done a fantastic job of preserving another miracle! We DO know the people, and are sharing in this joy! Congratulations! Cade is now part a very special family! WELCOME! Can't wait to meet you in person!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wow Erika these pictures are amazing! So wonderful to see the birth of our 3rd great nephew!

    Carl & Johanna

  7. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations Chad and Amber on your new bundle of joy. The Washington Blahnik's.

  8. Anonymous says:

    WOW the pictures are amazing. I too do not even know them but how WONDERFUL to have that day captured forever in such beautiful pictures. More people should do this, I wish I would have done this when I gave birth to my boys. Great job! Congrats to the family.

  9. Nicky Popp says:

    Erika… This is so amazing! BEAUTIFUL!! You are one talented lady.. I will have to remember this when we have our third. :) GREAT WORK!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful event to share, your pictures will always be cherished. Congratulations to the parents and their new bundle of joy..he is so perfect!