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Eddie is three..how the heck did that happen?

So, I have been insanely busy the past couple weeks and haven’t had time to mention that my first born, my Eddie turned THREE years old on May 20th!  We had a BUSY couple of weeks with birthdays in our little household.   Almost every single man in my life has a birthday in May.  Pauly’s is May 8th.  Bobby’s is May 10th.  Eddie’s is May 20th.  And my brother and dad also have May birthdays! It is insanity!

We had a joint birthday party for both of my babies(yes I still refer to Eddie as a baby…I may be in denial that he is three) a couple of weeks ago, but the day Eddie turned three, both Pauly and I had off work and we had a total Eddie day.  We went to Chuck E Cheese, out to lunch at Texas Roadhouse (he got to ride the bull and had everyone sing to him), and then we headed up to see my parents and they took him to supper and we had cake and he had kiddie cocktails with TONS of cherries and he strutted around like he was king.  It was perfect.

He is such a good hearted little man.  I just adore him.  A few things about my Ed:
  -He is so into dinosaurs right now.  Everyday he struts around claiming he is the T-Rex and we are all the plant eating dinosaurs that he is going to eat:) 
-He has such an imagination.  The other day we were in the grocery store and we turned the corner into an aisle and he stopped in his tracks and yelled, “Hey mom!  There is a little baby brown bear!”  Then he proceeded to walk over to a very specific spot on the floor, bend down and picked up the imaginary baby bear so I could pet it.  It was hysterical. 
-He has a big heart.  He hates when others are mad or hurting and randomly tells me he loves me about 57 times a day. 
-He has a ridiculous memory and is getting to be such a smart little dude.  It’s like I can see the wheels turning in that little head, I can just see things clicking and light bulbs going on. 

As a mom, it is amazing to see.  We always wonder if we are doing everything right, teaching them the right things, disciplining the way we should.  Watching him grow into this fabulous little boy really validates to myself that I am doing okay as a Momma.  These two boys of mine mean the world to me.  They are my everything.  Happy 3rd Birthday my Eddie.

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