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Sylvia and Gavin-kiddos-Green Bay Child Photography

Wednesday morning I headed over to the west side of Green Bay to photograph Sylvia and Gavin.  Their mom Angela heard about me through a friend(thanks Maria!) whose kiddos I photographed earlier this year.  I would say about 90% of my business is through referrals and I just LOVE that.  It lets me know that my clients are happy with the images I give them, so keep those referrals coming!  Now, Sylvia and Gavin were so great to photograph.  Gavin would not sit for a photo with his sister, but he did FABULOUS on his own and three year old Sylvia was in hog heaven getting her photos taken.  They were both such well behaved, lovely little kiddos!  I just really enjoyed our session.

Bennett and Angela, I hope you love the sneak peek images!

Isn’t he just gorgeous?!!!And Sylvia had to include her bunny Aubrey in a few shots. :)

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