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Eddie-sand eater

So, Tuesday night after work and daycare, Eddie and I went outside to play with the new toys he got for his birthday. He loves his new sandbox from Grandma and Grandpa. LOVES it. He won’t sit in it yet cause the sand feels weird, but he loves digging with his shovels and knocking down sand castles that I build. Well, at one point I was building sandcastles along the edge of the sandbox and he was coming along behind me knocking them down almost as fast as I could build them. Well, all of a sudden, he takes a big handful of sand and puts it right in his mouth. And of course I started laughing and before I could say “No Eddie! Icky” he had another handful to his lips. At first he made afunny face, but then he just chewed it up and looked at me as if to say, “It ain’t bad ma, you should try it” Little stinker.
We then moved onto the new Little Tykes playset that Pauly and I got him. He loves playing peek-a-boo on it with momma. He won’t attempt the slide by himself yet, but he loves climbing UP the slide. goofball.

after the first bite of sand…see, no reaction, it was like he eats sand on a daily basis

i adore that gorgeous little face

finding momma

I like to call this one, ‘Pooping or Pissed?’

he only looks sweet and innocent

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