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Baby Carly-itty bitty-Green Bay Newborn Photography

Friday morning I headed over to Bellevue to photograph baby Carly.  Her mom Katie called me about a week ago and asked if I could squeeze them in  for an itty bitty session as her and her hubby had just adopted a baby girl.  Of course I said yes and I am so glad I was able to find the time because Carly was a DREAM to photograph.  She didn’t make a peep the entire two hours I was there, but apparently, that is nothing new.  Katie told me that she has never really heard Carly cry in the two weeks since she has been born!  Isn’t that insane?!  I mean, she whimpers a bit, but never really cries.  That just floored me.  And besides not being one to use her voice, she is one of the cutest little girls I have ever laid eyes on.  ack.  Just gorgeous.

Katie, thanks so much for asking me to take little Carly’s photos.  I could have sat and chatted with you all day!  It warms my heart to hear stories like yours and I am so glad that you guys were finally able to start your family together!  Enjoy the sneak peek!

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