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Vada and Vaughn-kiddos-Green bay Child Photography

Last Thursday I headed down to Appleton to photograph two and a half year old Vada and her five month old baby brother, Vaughn.  I hadn’t photographed Vada since her one year portraits which she did SOOO fabulous for.  She is quite possibly one of the most adorable kiddos on the planet.  Curly blonde hair, big expressive eyes and just the sweetest personality to go with it.  She started off a bit timid, but after some Cat in the Hat silliness, she warmed right up and we got some great shots.  Now I was warned by their mom Katie that baby Vaughn wasn’t always the happiest camper, but I was determined to get some nice shots of him too.  It took a few tries, but with Katie’s help, our determination paid off!  It was a great little session!

Katie, so nice to see and chat with you again.  Your kiddos are just precious!  Hope you and Kirk love these images!

one of the most expressive children I have ever photographed.  I love it when you get more than just cheesey smiles out of a kiddo.  gah, just a gorgeous girl. Look at that adorable grin! HE SMILES!!!and we’re done.  ha. :)



One Response to “Vada and Vaughn-kiddos-Green bay Child Photography”

  1. Love the pics and how you captured their personalities. Love teh bright summer plaids and of course I’m a little bias but hey, they are my first Grandchilren and I love everything about them!!!