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Harper Ryann-itty bitty-Green Bay Newborn Photography

Wednesday afternoon I headed over to the west side of Green Bay to photograph sweet baby Harper.  Harper was 3.5 weeks old at the time of our session and was over 9 lbs at birth, so she wasn’t as itty bitty as most of the newborns I photograph, but she was an absolute angel for her photos.  Typically babies older than 2 weeks are more alert/restless and it is harder to get the adorable sleeping baby photos everyone wants.  Well, baby Harper must not have gotten that ‘over 14 day’ memo because she slept for the entire session.  It was amazing.  And I am not gonna lie, she has the most hair on any newborn I have ever photographed.  A head of gorgeous, thick, black hair.  Just beautiful.

Rikki, it was so fabulous to meet you!  Your girl is just precious and I hope you love these images!

look at that hair!  EEE!  Love it!Harper’s Grandma knitted her this little pom pom hat.  Isn’t is adoarble?!!and just in time for Packer season, another hat from Grandma!  Go Packers!!!

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