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Brynnley turns one!-Green Bay Child Photography

Saturday morning I headed over to the Botanical Gardens to photograph little miss Brynnley for the third time in the past year. We did her newborn photos last August, her 6 month photos this past winter and I couldn’t believe it was already time for her one year portraits! We had a gorgeous, sunny morning at the Gardens and Brynnley did really well…for her first two outfits. And then she was done. DONE. The cake smash photos had to be saved for last due to the crazy mess they create and well, little Brynnley was completely over her photos by then. Poor thing was a sad sobbing mess covered in frosting. It was adorable! :)

Tess, so good to see you again. Your little peanut just gets cuter and cuter everytime I see her! I hope you and Jason enjoy the sneak peek!

quite possibly my favorite image of the session.  so sad, but SO cute! :)and a quick shot with Mom and Grandma, three generations!

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