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Ian and Mandy-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography

Saturday afternoon I woke up to a gorgeous blue Wisconsin sky and knew it was going to be a fabulous day for a wedding. I met Ian and Mandy about a year ago for their engagement shoot and instantly saw the connection and love between them. They are such a sweet couple and had an absolutely picture perfect wedding day. The location was perfect (Botanical Gardens). The weather was perfect. Their wedding party was cooperative and super fun. And Ian and Mandy looked amazing! Many times a bride and groom and their wedding party want the photos over and done with so that they can move onto the party. But Ian and Mandy made their photos a priority and we spent over an hour after the ceremony taking photos at the Botanical Gardens and then at a park on the Bay and got some really amazing shots. Everything about their day from the weather to the photos to the amazingly decorated reception went off without a hitch!

Ian and Mandy, thank you SO much for allowing me to document your wedding day. It was, all around, one of the most beautiful days I have ever seen and I was so happy to be able to capture it for you! Enjoy the sneak peek!

when your bride looks like this, you know it is going to be a good day. :)How awesome is the expression on Ian’s face as he watches his bride walk down the aisle toward him?!I love doing these shots.  The facial expressions are the best.  (click the photo to see it larger)Their ballroom at the Meadows looked AH-mazing.  Those lights!  How about a little Wii bowling to get the bride and groom to kiss?!



2 Responses to “Ian and Mandy-man and wife-Green Bay Wedding Photography”

  1. Charlene says:


  2. Carla Punzel says:


    You did a wonderful job. Captured all the perfect moments of the perfect day for the perfect couple. Thanks.

    Mandy’s Mom,