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moving stinks. period. end of story.

Hey all! I feel like I haven’t been here in ages! With only blogging weddings this month I feel like I have neglected my poor blog and unfortunately I am not going to be back for a few more weeks. We are moving into a new house this weekend and the next two-three weeks are sure to be chaotic and crazy(as the past two weeks have been!). I just want to let everyone know that for the next 1-2 weeks I will have very limited internet access and will not be spending as much time as I normally would editing and shooting sessions. I have a handful of sessions next week and between moving and trying to get all of the sessions on my computer out the door, I am sure things are going to be a little bit insane….okay, a lot insane. So please bear with me! I promise to get up and running as soon as I possibly can and will keep you all posted as to when that is! Thanks so much for your patience during this exciting and crazy time in our lives!

And I’ll leave you with a couple of my own family photos from this fall. My friend Amanda shot them for me and even though my boys were anything but cooperative that day, we got some awesome images!




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