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Ben and Beau-April birthday boys-Green Bay Child Photography

Thursday afternoon I headed down to Appleton to photograph Ben and Beau’s photos.  Beau turns 2 this coming week and Ben’s fourth birthday was on the 21st, the day we took the photos!  Just like my two boys, Ben and Beau are just a few days shy of sharing the same birthday and I just adored their session.  Not only were they perfect little models, but it gave me a glimpse into what life at my house will be like next year when my boys turn 4 and 2 in May!
For their session, I brought my backdrops and we did a few formal photos first.  And then I had the boys take me in and show me their bedrooms and I got to do a bunch of fun ones where I was just hanging out with them.  It was great, they were great.  And their mom, Katie, was awesome.  A lot of times moms will hang around behind my camera and the kiddos will be looking up at them more than they are looking at me.  Which is fine, we still get nice shots, but Katie walked into the kitchen where I could still see her, but the boys couldn’t.  That way their focus was only on me and we got some fabulous images!  Thank you Katie!  Your boys are absolute dolls and I hope you and Pat love the images we captured of them!
Happy Birthday Ben and Beau!
Here is 4 year old Ben

And 2 year old Beau!

Seriously, how cute are they?!

brotherly love!
See the basketball in the air?  A second later the basketball landed on Ben’s head…
and these two could not control their giggles!

and then we put their Easter shirts on them for a couple more
love this.  so sweet.
showing off his birthday gifts!
and then it was time for birthday cake (or cookie)!
he was pretty excited, can you tell?
can you tell it was a good birthday treat? :) 

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