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Tuesday evening I met Laura, Kent and their daughter Ella over at the Botanical Garden’s for a family/kiddo session.  Ella is 15 months old and SUCH a little love.  She smiled from the moment I saw her untill we were done with photos.  And every time the smile started to fade, all we had to do was bring out her bouncy ball and her eyes lit up and the smiles started again.  I never knew one little bouncy ball could cause so much joy in one little girl!  It was adorable.

Laura and Kent, thanks so much for asking me to take your little peanut’s photos.  She is a doll and did so well!  I hope to see you guys again in the future!  Enjoy the sneak peek!


seriously!?  could this little girl smile anymore?!

Tuesday morning I met Gary, Amanda and their little boy Seth over at the Wildlife Sanctuary for Seth’s one year session.  I have been photographing this little sweetie since he was 3 months old and just love our sessions.  I know I say this all the time, but it is fabulous to get to be a part of a little one’s life from the beginning.  To watch them go from this itty bitty baby and grow into this little person.  It’s one of the best things about this job.  And one year olds are so much fun to photograph.  They are so curious and inquisitive….it is almost as if you can see the wheels turning in their little heads as they figure things out.  So fun to be able to capture and be a part of that time in their lives.

Gary and Amanda, your little man is getting so big!  I hope you love the images we got of him!

the grass tickled his feet!

isn’t he gorgeous?!

Friday morning I met one of my best friends, Jennie, over at the Wildlife Sanctuary with her husband Mark and two boys for some updated family photos.  Now I have a very close group of girlfriends from high school, but Jennie and I share a special bond because we each have two sons.  We are surrounded by males and are in constant need of a little girl time to get some estrogen back in our systems:-)

She has 5 year old, Sam, and 2 year old, Daniel.  Now these two boys are pretty much polar opposites, but they are both adorable and did great for photos.  Daniel is a little brut and was a bit hard to wrangle at times, but the adults prevailed and we got some fabulous images!

Jennie and Mark, so nice to see you guys again.  Hope you had a great 4th of July holiday!  Enjoy the sneak peek of your little stinkers!

I love this one.  Love for his little brother or an attempted headlock?  ha.

doesn’t Daniel just look like trouble in this one?

Last week I met my cousin Jess and her husband Judd over at the Wildlife Sanctuary to get some updated photos of her kidlets.  Collin is six and Camryn just turned four a couple months ago.  These are such great ages for photos!  They followed directions and listened so well and they just did awesome.  We got all of these photos done within a half hour, it was the perfect session!

Jess and Judd, thanks for having me take the kids photos again!  They are such good kids!  Make sure you take them back to the Wildlife Sanctuary when everything is open so they can check it out.  We love it there!  Enjoy the sneak peek!


aren’t they adorable?!

Collin looks so much like my uncle Chuck…you really see it in this shot I think…

And Camryn looks a lot like her Momma did at that age…

I told them they could do a silly face photo since they cooperated so well:)

On Wednesday morning I headed over to the Botanical Gardens here in Green Bay to meet Missy, Dave and their gorgeous little girl Elle.  Now I photographed Miss and Dave’s wedding back in 2008 and I have taken family photos for them as well, but this was the first time I was able to meet and photograph Miss Elle.  She turns one in just a few weeks and I was so excited to finally meet her (I follow their family blog and get to see lots of photos via Facebook).  She is such a beautiful little girl.  Dark wispy hair, big brown eyes, just perfection.  And she did really well for her photos.  There was a lot for her to look at at the Gardens, but we managed to wrangle her and get some fantastic images!
Missy and Dave, your baby girl is such a sweetie!  You guys are aware you are going to have to lock her up in about 15 years, right?  Boys are going to be banging down your door! 😉   Enjoy the sneak peek!
such a love…

love this..such an angelic little face…

one of my favorites!

can’t quite decide if she likes this picture thing….

and we are done with that outfit:)
How fabulous is that shirt Melissa had made for her?  I just LOVE it!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!
This afternoon I headed up to Spruce where I met my friend Suzanne and her four kiddos.  Her baby, little Asher, turns one tomorrow and I came up to do his one year photos as well as a few with his older siblings.  At first the birthday boy wasn’t too fond of my camera and pretty stingy with his smiles.  But he warmed up and we ended up with some pretty fantastic shots of the little man.  Even a few with all four kids looking at the camera and smiling! 
Suzanne, so nice to hang with you and the kiddos for a bit today.  As always, they are such good kids and so easy to photograph!  Hope you love Asher’s sneak peek!  Have one for me at the birthday party tomorrow!
he was pretty skeptical of photos at first..

loved playing ‘peek-a-boo’ through the chair!

making his getaway…

crack. me. up.

I just want to squish him!

a little birthday cake fun!

all done!
Monday afternoon I met one of my oldest and dearest friends, Bridget, over at Pamperin Park so I could take her daughter Lucy’s four year portraits.  Lucy is a super special girl to me.  Not only is she my goddaughter, but because I only have boys at home, she is the one I get to go out and buy dresses and dolls and girlie girl things for.  She is such a little character…so inquisitive, funny and loving.  I just adore her. 
Happy 4th birthday Lucy Lu!  Auntie Guga loves you very much!

Monday afternoon I met Mandy and her daughter Ally over at Heritage Hill for Ally’s two year portraits.  Now I have been photographing Ally since she was a brand new itty bitty baby and I must admit, she is one of my very favorite kiddos to photograph.  She has such a fantastic little personality and it always full of smiles and awesome expressions.  I just love her.  And her parents Mandy and Joe are constantly referring people to me for photos.   That really is the best compliment a photographer can receive! Thanks SO much you guys! 
Now, if you are having trouble deciding on a location for your upcoming session, I HIGHLY suggest Heritage Hill.  We have to pay an entrance fee in addition to the session, but it is SO worth it.  There is so much variety and oodles of gorgeous backdrops.  I had a field day!
Joe and Mandy, hope you love the images we captured of your peanut! 
That church in the back is where Joe and Mandy got married!
isn’t she gorgeous?

Love this face!


This is what happens when you tell a 2 year old girl there is a princess IN your camera:)
she escaped during an outfit change!

such a sweetie!

Monday morning I met Sawyer, his big brother Judson and his parents Brett and Julie up at Bayshore park for his two year portraits.  I met this adorable little family last summer when I photographed his one year shots and just LOVE when clients return to me year after year for their kiddos photos!  The weather was perfect for photos and we got some fabulous shots. 
Brett and Julie, it was lovely to hang with you guys for a bit yesterday!  Your boys are precious and gave me a little glimpse into what life at our house will be like in one year!  LOVE it!  Enjoy the sneak peek!

seriously!  how sweet is he?!

my fave!

and one of big brother for good measure:)
Tuesday afternoon I met Sara and her daughter Ella over at Pamperin Park for Ella’s one year portraits.  I had met Sara back at a wedding I photographed in April and ever since chatting with her, I was looking forward to our session.  Now Ella is just over a year, so about the same age as my Bobby, and they seem to be going through the same stage right now.  The ‘I only want Momma’ stage.  Every time Sara left Ella’s side the lip came out and the tears started.  However, after using a few of my tried and true distraction techniques and the bubbles Sara brought, we were able to get some absolutely adorable images! 
Sara, it was so nice to see you again.  Ella is SO precious.  Hope you love the images we captured!
See?  Standing by Momma, all smiles…
not so sure when Momma steps away…
and then full blown meltdown…which I had to take a photo of because as much as we don’t like to admit it, this is a HUGE part of having a one year old:)
those cheeks….those lips…swoon!

but when the bubbles came out?  ALL smiles!

Seriously, how gorgeous is she?

There are so many images from this session that I love, but this may be my favorite.

After an outfit change I had Sara step a few feet away from us out of Ella’s sight and she was all smiles again.  One year olds are needy, but forgetful :)

baby feet.  love em.

crack. me. up.  this is so typical of the age

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