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Collin and Camryn-kiddos-Green Bay Child Photography

Last week I met my cousin Jess and her husband Judd over at the Wildlife Sanctuary to get some updated photos of her kidlets.  Collin is six and Camryn just turned four a couple months ago.  These are such great ages for photos!  They followed directions and listened so well and they just did awesome.  We got all of these photos done within a half hour, it was the perfect session!

Jess and Judd, thanks for having me take the kids photos again!  They are such good kids!  Make sure you take them back to the Wildlife Sanctuary when everything is open so they can check it out.  We love it there!  Enjoy the sneak peek!


aren’t they adorable?!

Collin looks so much like my uncle Chuck…you really see it in this shot I think…

And Camryn looks a lot like her Momma did at that age…

I told them they could do a silly face photo since they cooperated so well:)


One Response to “Collin and Camryn-kiddos-Green Bay Child Photography”

  1. jo gehl -grandma says:

    these pictures are beynd wonderful – thank you so much for putting their real personalities on paper – I love them!! jo