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Seth turns one! -Green Bay Child Photography

Tuesday morning I met Gary, Amanda and their little boy Seth over at the Wildlife Sanctuary for Seth’s one year session.  I have been photographing this little sweetie since he was 3 months old and just love our sessions.  I know I say this all the time, but it is fabulous to get to be a part of a little one’s life from the beginning.  To watch them go from this itty bitty baby and grow into this little person.  It’s one of the best things about this job.  And one year olds are so much fun to photograph.  They are so curious and inquisitive….it is almost as if you can see the wheels turning in their little heads as they figure things out.  So fun to be able to capture and be a part of that time in their lives.

Gary and Amanda, your little man is getting so big!  I hope you love the images we got of him!

the grass tickled his feet!

isn’t he gorgeous?!

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