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Ella-kiddo-Green Bay Child Photography

Tuesday afternoon I met Sara and her daughter Ella over at Pamperin Park for Ella’s one year portraits.  I had met Sara back at a wedding I photographed in April and ever since chatting with her, I was looking forward to our session.  Now Ella is just over a year, so about the same age as my Bobby, and they seem to be going through the same stage right now.  The ‘I only want Momma’ stage.  Every time Sara left Ella’s side the lip came out and the tears started.  However, after using a few of my tried and true distraction techniques and the bubbles Sara brought, we were able to get some absolutely adorable images! 
Sara, it was so nice to see you again.  Ella is SO precious.  Hope you love the images we captured!
See?  Standing by Momma, all smiles…
not so sure when Momma steps away…
and then full blown meltdown…which I had to take a photo of because as much as we don’t like to admit it, this is a HUGE part of having a one year old:)
those cheeks….those lips…swoon!

but when the bubbles came out?  ALL smiles!

Seriously, how gorgeous is she?

There are so many images from this session that I love, but this may be my favorite.

After an outfit change I had Sara step a few feet away from us out of Ella’s sight and she was all smiles again.  One year olds are needy, but forgetful :)

baby feet.  love em.

crack. me. up.  this is so typical of the age


2 Responses to “Ella-kiddo-Green Bay Child Photography”

  1. Sara Tilkens says:

    They turned out sooo cute! I was worried since she was being such a crabapple, but you really were able to capture some great momments!

  2. Muriel Peterson says:

    This is Gram Muriel, The pictures are beautiful! I definitely have some favorites though. My (our) little miss Ella has so many different looks! I love her so much! xoxoxo Gram M.