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Asher turns one!-Green Bay Child Photography

This afternoon I headed up to Spruce where I met my friend Suzanne and her four kiddos.  Her baby, little Asher, turns one tomorrow and I came up to do his one year photos as well as a few with his older siblings.  At first the birthday boy wasn’t too fond of my camera and pretty stingy with his smiles.  But he warmed up and we ended up with some pretty fantastic shots of the little man.  Even a few with all four kids looking at the camera and smiling! 
Suzanne, so nice to hang with you and the kiddos for a bit today.  As always, they are such good kids and so easy to photograph!  Hope you love Asher’s sneak peek!  Have one for me at the birthday party tomorrow!
he was pretty skeptical of photos at first..

loved playing ‘peek-a-boo’ through the chair!

making his getaway…

crack. me. up.

I just want to squish him!

a little birthday cake fun!

all done!


One Response to “Asher turns one!-Green Bay Child Photography”

  1. Ryan Verhagen says:

    These are ABSOLUTELY Wonderful Erika!! Thank You so much!!