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Delani-kiddo-Green Bay Child Photography

Yesterday morning I was able to take little Delani’s three year portraits.  Her mom Alanna is from my hometown and I have been photographing Delani’s yearly photos since she turned one.  I look forward to her sessions every year because she is only two weeks older then Eddie and I just love the age they are at right now.  They are so much easier to photograph than when they were one and two years old.  They listen(most of the time), can understand what I am asking them to do and usually warm up to the idea of photos really quick.  Plus they LOVE seeing their photos on the back of my camera, so that usually works as bribery:)
Alanna, so nice to see you and that beautiful girl of yours again.  I can’t believe we have THREE year old kids!  The past 3 years have FLOWN by.  insanity.  Anyway, I hope you love the sneak peek of your little peanut!
she is so gorgeous!
and she always does so well for her photos!

she got to go to Build A Bear on Saturday for her birthday so we had to put the bear in one of the photos!  I don’t think that smile can get any bigger!

I just adore her hair…and those big blue eyes.  just a beautiful girl! 

I have missed shooting outdoors so much!  It was windy, but we were able to get outside for a few shots yesterday!

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