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Drew and Lia-kiddos-Green Bay Child Photography

Wednesday morning I had the pleasure of meeting the LeClaire family and taking photos of the kiddos, Drew and Lia.  Drew is 3 years old and little Lia is just 6 weeks and both of them did WONDERFULLY for their photos.  I could have sat and chatted and played with Drew all day long.  Probably comes from having an almost 3 year old at home with me, but I just find them the funniest, most inquisitive little people on the planet.  And baby Lia is so gorgeous.  She wasn’t as happy as Drew was to get her photos taken, but we ended up getting some great shots nonetheless. 
Kelli thanks for contacting me!  I just adored taking photos of your kidlets and hope we can again in the future!  Enjoy the sneak peek!
This is adorable little Drew. 

who was SO easy to photograph!

I really just wanted to take him home with me.  LOVE this.

he showed me around his backyard for a while after we were done with his photos inside

and little miss Lia

she was NOT happy about having that flower on her head:)

beautiful little angel face!
tried to get a shot of the kiddos together.  this is what Drew did when I told him to put his head by Lia.  ha.  cracked me up.
that’s better.  so sweet.
she even smiled at me a few times!
and we are done


4 Responses to “Drew and Lia-kiddos-Green Bay Child Photography”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Erika – I love them all! Thank you so much!

  2. Anonymous says:

    They are beautiful! Not that I'm not biased as I am Kelli's Mom.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Aww. These are soo cute!
    JOdi(Kellis Sister.)

  4. Anonymous says:

    So awesome! Erika does such a fabulous job and Kelli – your kids are so beautiful!

    Erin Mekash