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Wyatt is one!-Green Bay Child Photography

This afternoon I headed out to Cecil to and it was a bittersweet trip.  On one hand I was happy because I was heading there to photograph little Wyatt’s one year portraits.  And on the other hand I was so sad because I have gotten used to seeing his smiling face each month for the past seven months!  I have been photographing him monthly since he was five months old and I look SO forward to our sessions.  I love seeing all the little differences in him each month, both physically and developmentally.  To see him start to crawl, walk, form bits of words…it is so awesome.  I mean, I see it everyday with my own two boys, but this is different.  As an outsider looking in every four or five weeks, it is truly amazing.  Plus Wyatt’s mom Kelsey and I get along great, so it is sort of like chatting with an old friend while I work. 
Kelsey, I am going to miss my monthly dose of Wyatt and Kelsey SO very much.  You must call me again to do his photos!  Thanks for letting me be a part of his first year!  Enjoy the sneak peek!
handsome little devil, isn’t he?

“Hey!  I’m ONE!”

I adore this shot.  That hat.  The sweet smile.  ah.  LOVE it.


love for Momma…

Kelsey made him a little cake and we let him attack it.  This series of shots kills me.  ha.
“what the heck is this?”
“I guess I’ll give it a try”
“It’s SUPER good!”
“How big of a mess do you think I can make?”
“Can’t. get. it. in. my. mouth. fast. enough.”
Happy Birthday Wyatt!!!!

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