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This afternoon I headed out to Cecil to and it was a bittersweet trip.  On one hand I was happy because I was heading there to photograph little Wyatt’s one year portraits.  And on the other hand I was so sad because I have gotten used to seeing his smiling face each month for the past seven months!  I have been photographing him monthly since he was five months old and I look SO forward to our sessions.  I love seeing all the little differences in him each month, both physically and developmentally.  To see him start to crawl, walk, form bits of words…it is so awesome.  I mean, I see it everyday with my own two boys, but this is different.  As an outsider looking in every four or five weeks, it is truly amazing.  Plus Wyatt’s mom Kelsey and I get along great, so it is sort of like chatting with an old friend while I work. 
Kelsey, I am going to miss my monthly dose of Wyatt and Kelsey SO very much.  You must call me again to do his photos!  Thanks for letting me be a part of his first year!  Enjoy the sneak peek!
handsome little devil, isn’t he?

“Hey!  I’m ONE!”

I adore this shot.  That hat.  The sweet smile.  ah.  LOVE it.


love for Momma…

Kelsey made him a little cake and we let him attack it.  This series of shots kills me.  ha.
“what the heck is this?”
“I guess I’ll give it a try”
“It’s SUPER good!”
“How big of a mess do you think I can make?”
“Can’t. get. it. in. my. mouth. fast. enough.”
Happy Birthday Wyatt!!!!
This morning I headed up to Suamico to photograph my friends JT and Nikki’s daughter, Jayden.  I had met Jayden once before and was totally in awe of her cuteness, so when Nikki asked me to take her photos, I was THRILLED.  Unfortunately, little Jayden wasn’t as thrilled to have her photos taken.  She was pretty stingy with her smiles, but it doesn’t matter.  Even this little peanut’s serious faces are
gorgeous.  She is just so stinking cute!  I just wanted to love on her the entire time I was with them!
Nikki, it was so nice to chat with you this morning.  You and JT make some cute, CUTE babies!  I’ll get a hold of you when we get back from vacation!  Enjoy the sneak peek!
Isn’t she a hunny?!

love the pouty face!

Isn’t this outfit great?!
It’s like she’s thinking to herself, “What the heck do I have on here?!”

EEE!  Love her.

Monday night I headed over to the Wildlife Sanctuary in Green Bay for some 2 year portraits of little Landon.  It was a bright and sunny evening, so finding enough shade to do the photos was a bit challenging, but we managed and got some FABULOUS images of both him alone and with his mom and dad!  Now, I am pretty sure Landon couldn’t get any cuter if he tried.  He is just ADORABLE…and a very typical, active, distracted two year old:)  I had so much fun running around after him! 
Nicole and Ben (grandma and grandpa too!) it was so nice to meet you guys.  I hope you love the images we captured of your little man!
Ben and Nicole brought his favorite chair from home.  I always love it when clients bring props to make the photos unique for their kiddo!

There were geese and goslings EVERYwhere!  very cool..
and Nicole was smart enough to bring crackers to feed them with.  Landon was LOVING it.  See the crackers mid-air?
A quick shot with Dad and Grandpa

And Landon didn’t want to get his photo taken with mom and dad, so he ran to Grandpa to be saved:)
But they eventually wrangled him in for a few cute shots!

Do you see this?!

Such a cute family!

Monday morning I had the pleasure of photographing little Noa’s 7 month photos.  His mom Amy and I grew up and went to school in the same hometown and was referred to me by yet another Oconto Falls graduate!  (Keep those referrals coming people, I LOVE it!)
Now, little Noa is an absolute DOLL and did really well with his first outfit, but after that, it was all downhill.  After we changed him into outfit number two, we didn’t even get one shot where he wasn’t sobbing:(  I am not sure if his little teeth were hurting him or what, but he was NOT a happy camper.  Poor little man.  But we got some fabulous shots in his first (and Amy’s favorite) outfit…and to tell you the truth, I even like the sad baby photos we got toward the end.  I am firm believer that every baby needs at least one ‘nice’, crying baby photo:)
Amy, so nice to meet you!  Noa is such a little sweetie!  I hope you love the images we captured!

seriously.  how sweet is he?

I love this one.  shows off those big blue eyes!
and then we made the mistake of changing clothes:)

We tried going outside to cheer him up.  It didn’t work. 
love this shots of his little tootsies though!
When even Momma couldn’t cheer him up, we knew he was done! 
Sunday morning I met my fabulous clients Jenni and Nick over at Bayshore park for some updated photos of their three kiddos!  I used to work with Jenni and while I don’t really miss my old job, I do miss chatting with her.  It seems like we have very similar personalities and views about parenting and motherhood.  I feel like I could gab with her and Nick for hours on end!  It was a gorgeous, warm morning and despite baby Grant being sick and not wanting to get his photos taken, we still got some adorable images! 
Nick and Jenni, thanks so much for letting me photograph your little ones again!  I just adore each one of them, such sweeties!  I hope you love the photos we captured!
Isn’t Griffin a doll?!

Grant had an ear infection and wasn’t thrilled about getting his photos taken:)
But little Gracie always does such a good job!

I bought these two chairs for my boys a few weeks back and just love this shot of Grace and Griffin chilling in them!

kids always love Bayshore park because they get to throw as many rocks as they want!

there is an almost smile out of Grant!

Later Saturday morning I headed over to De Pere to photograph my friends Mike and Melissa’s daughter Payton’s three year portraits.  Payton was born 2 days after my Eddie was and I remember Mike and Melissa coming into my hospital room the night after Eddie was born to meet him and to get Melissa checked in so they could meet their baby girl!  I can’t believe that was three years ago already!  I hadn’t seen little Payton it about a year, and oh my goodness has she grown!  She is such a gorgeous little girl…full of giggles and smiles and, according to her mom and dad, sassiness!  Just like the rest of our three year olds:)
Mike and Melissa, it was great to see you guys again! Payton did so well for her photos…you guys call me anytime you need her photos taken. What a perfect little model!
we started with a few family shots..

Love for Daddy!

aren’t they adorable?
and then Payton got to be the star. Isn’t she SOO cute?

She kept calling herself Princess Payton.  Mike and Melissa, you guys are going to have your hands full in a few years:)

I love this.  such a sweetheart!
Thursday morning Brenda brought her 4 year old all the way from Fond Du Lac for some four year portraits!  Brenda is a fellow Oconto Falls-ian and I photographed her wedding in 2005.  I was so excited when she contacted me about taking pics of her little guy.  Ty was so sweet and so darn cute.  He was a typical curious, distracted, adorable four year old and I LOVED it.  We even got to go outside for some photos after we finished up indoors.  Oh, how I have missed photographing outdoors!
Brenda, it was so nice to see and catch up with you!  I have a special place in my heart for little boys and you have a keeper with Ty.  He is a hunny.  Enjoy the sneak peek!
Isn’t he a handsome little dude?
Love the Superman shirt!

such a ham!

He really wanted to go outside:)  I love this one!

How great is that hat?

Yesterday afternoon I got my monthly dose of Wyatt when he arrived for his 11 month photos.  I’ve been doing his photos monthly now for 6+ months and I just adore him (and his mom Kelsey too).  Her and I are alike in a lot of ways and could probably sit and chat for hours on end.  I really noticed that from last month to this month, Wyatt went from looking like a baby to looking like a little boy.  Which sort of makes me sad…I wish we could keep them little forever!  He was SUPER excited for his photos this time around and did a fabulous job! 
Kelsey, so nice to see you again…we’ll see you in a few weeks for his (gulp) ONE year photos!  Ack!  How did that happen???!!!  Enjoy the sneak peek!
I knew it was going to be a good day when this was the first photo I took:)

he has the sweetest most adorable serious face ever!

we always try to do a shot with Momma and I just LOVE the little cowboy hat!

crack. me. up.

so bored with photos:)

and we are done!
Wednesday morning I had the pleasure of meeting the LeClaire family and taking photos of the kiddos, Drew and Lia.  Drew is 3 years old and little Lia is just 6 weeks and both of them did WONDERFULLY for their photos.  I could have sat and chatted and played with Drew all day long.  Probably comes from having an almost 3 year old at home with me, but I just find them the funniest, most inquisitive little people on the planet.  And baby Lia is so gorgeous.  She wasn’t as happy as Drew was to get her photos taken, but we ended up getting some great shots nonetheless. 
Kelli thanks for contacting me!  I just adored taking photos of your kidlets and hope we can again in the future!  Enjoy the sneak peek!
This is adorable little Drew. 

who was SO easy to photograph!

I really just wanted to take him home with me.  LOVE this.

he showed me around his backyard for a while after we were done with his photos inside

and little miss Lia

she was NOT happy about having that flower on her head:)

beautiful little angel face!
tried to get a shot of the kiddos together.  this is what Drew did when I told him to put his head by Lia.  ha.  cracked me up.
that’s better.  so sweet.
she even smiled at me a few times!
and we are done
Yesterday morning I was able to take little Delani’s three year portraits.  Her mom Alanna is from my hometown and I have been photographing Delani’s yearly photos since she turned one.  I look forward to her sessions every year because she is only two weeks older then Eddie and I just love the age they are at right now.  They are so much easier to photograph than when they were one and two years old.  They listen(most of the time), can understand what I am asking them to do and usually warm up to the idea of photos really quick.  Plus they LOVE seeing their photos on the back of my camera, so that usually works as bribery:)
Alanna, so nice to see you and that beautiful girl of yours again.  I can’t believe we have THREE year old kids!  The past 3 years have FLOWN by.  insanity.  Anyway, I hope you love the sneak peek of your little peanut!
she is so gorgeous!
and she always does so well for her photos!

she got to go to Build A Bear on Saturday for her birthday so we had to put the bear in one of the photos!  I don’t think that smile can get any bigger!

I just adore her hair…and those big blue eyes.  just a beautiful girl! 

I have missed shooting outdoors so much!  It was windy, but we were able to get outside for a few shots yesterday!

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